Systemic Kinesiology Introduction
Description: 8-hour course duration in which are presented the principles, the method and the basic techniques of Systemic Kinesiology . It aims to establish a theoretical framework that facilitates communication between professionals of rehabilitation ( physiotherapy and occupational therapy ) , fitness ( physical education ) and sport .
The student learns to perform a simple and objective functional assessment, test and correct key muscles for overall body functionality, perform and teach some basic movement patterns . These skills are basic to understand how they are produced and how to treat the most prevalent musculoskeletal injuries in the general population , from a systemic point of view .
20 may 2017
Saturday 9AM to 6:30PM
Workload 8 hours
Decio Gomes de Oliveira
Target Audience
Physiotherapists, occupational therapists , physical education teachers and students of these areas ( from the 6th period ) .
Other professionals in the health and education areas ( orthopedists , medical sport , speech therapists, acupuncturists , psychologists and psicopedagos ) may also have interest in the course . In such cases , before admission , an assessment is made of the personal circumstances and / or professionals who justify this interest .